Misc. Climbing Photo:

•March 22, 2008 • 3 Comments


Climber: Luis Sepulveda


 Climber: Daniel Soto de Jesus

Photos: Reynard Rohena Photography

Clases de Rescate en Cueva

•March 3, 2008 • 3 Comments

Para los que estén interesados la Comision Nacional de Rescate en cuevas en Puerto Rico estará ofreciendo sus talleres del 15 al 22 de marzo en la Base Ramey de Aguadilla.  Se estarán ofreciendo los niveles básicos e intermedios. 

El costo del curso es de $ 350.00. El seminario consiste de sobre 100 horas de adiestramiento divididas entre salón de clases, demostraciones, practicas al aire libre y talleres de evaluación.

“El curso enseñará las técnicas actuales de manejo de emergencia y rescate en cuevas y ofrece instrucción sobre el entorno de cuevas, consideraciones medicas, trabajo en cuerda básico, instalación y transportación  de camilla y el sistema de mando de incidentes.”

Para más información pulse aquí.

Sports Tourism in Puerto Rico

•February 29, 2008 • 7 Comments

The new edition of the web-zine Lajota came out on wednesday and in it an article on extreme sports and sports tourism in Puerto Rico.  Apparently the World Tourism Organization (WTO… the good one, or at least the not so bad one) has stated that by 2020 sports related tourism will become a major driving force in the world economy and the Puerto Rican government has finally begun to take notice.  The Puerto Rican Tourism Company has instituted a new publicity campaign to begin to promote the more adventurous side of our island.  Time will only tell if this campaign, commonly referred to as Puerto Rico: Explore beyond the shore, will bring some much needed support to the local entrepreneurs attempting to establish themselves in this niche.

Local climbing photographer Reynard Rohena Ramírez provided the photographs for this article.  

Misc. Climbing photo:

•February 28, 2008 • Leave a Comment
(Andrés escalando Sabandija 5.10d)

Puerto Rico: Clases de Escalada

•February 28, 2008 • 3 Comments

Instructor: Alberto Ramos

El curso de escalada consiste de seis talleres que cubren los conocimientos básicos sobre el deporte de escalada. Los talleres están diseñados para preparar a los participantes con los conocimientos y prácticas apropiadas del deporte. Los participantes recibirán instrucción sobre:

Reglas de Seguridad relacionadas al deporte de escalada
Uso del equipo

Los talleres se ofrecen todos los sábados en el Parque Julio Enrique Monagas en Bayamón. Ofrecemos tres secciones:

9:00 a 11:00 a.m.
1:00 a 3:00 p.m.
3:00 a 5:00 p.m.

El costo del curso es de $150.00 (6 clases).  Los espacios son limitados. Para más información y para reservar su espacio, comuníquese con nosotros a través de nuestro correo electrónico: saber199@yahoo.com.

Para imprimir la hoja de matrícula del curso, pulse aquí:


Climbers on Facebook

•February 27, 2008 • 3 Comments

Puerto Rican climbing has finally become globalized.  We have arrived ladies and gentlemen; we now have a facebook group.  All right granted, everybody and their mother has facebook now and 99.9% of these individuals are members of at least one of the dozens of groups which constantly bombard all of our accounts but still…  This particular group does have an added draw though; it has become a forum in which climbers from Puerto Rico are posting their latest videos.   Slowly but surely the word is spreading about the best kept climbing secret in the Caribbean.  So drop by the page and check out the videos.

Climbing Crag “Bayamón I”:

•February 1, 2008 • 2 Comments

Allright, here is my long overdue review of one of Puerto Rico’s older climbing crags, Bayamón I. Word to the wise though, this place is as old school as it gets and the routes are starting to reflect the wear and tear.

Consisting of about 34 routes this area is located in the town of Bayamón behind the Plaza del Sol Shopping Mall (on the cliff behind a theme park known as “Parque de las Ciencias”, ask around and you’ll find it). The crags approach can be a little tricky but local climbers have taken it upon themselves to build ladders and sling ropes to aid in some of the rougher areas. Regardless this area may not be the best option for the younger set.


The routes themselves are all bolted and well protected varying in difficulty from 5.7 to 5.12d. This crag has some truly classic lines floating around, unfortunately they receives considerably less traffic then most climbing areas and the underbrush may be overtaking some of the routes.

Safety wise you might want to be particular about which routes you choose to climb, both the anchors (consisting of fixed chains) and the bolts on a couple of the routes are sketchy at best. The local climbing association has tried on various occasions to fix up some of the worst routes but have received a lot of resistance from the crags FA (the individual who originally bolted the routes), in this case Rosanno Boscarino, who claims that the repair was done both incorrectly and without his consent. Whatever the case may be, make sure to proceed with caution.

Now my intention with this post is not to discourage any climbers new to the area from exploring this crag. Far from it in fact, some of the best routes on the island can be found here, just remain careful and observant; there isn’t much room for error. Keep in mind that safety is the key when practicing this sport, the use of a helmet is NOT optional and always be sure to remember your basics (solid leader and solid belayers a must.)


Topo of Bayamón I:
Puerto Rican Climbing Guides

Photos by Diana Soto de Jesus 

New multi-pitch routes in Puerto Rico:

•January 25, 2008 • 3 Comments

Well we have entered a fairly interesting phase in the history of Puerto Rican climbing. Some of the local “rock innovators” have taken it upon themselves to start bolting up some new multi-pitch climbs in the southern crag known as “Rosario”.  Rossano Boscarino alongside Eda Rodriguez have bolted up three solid new projects in the area of the crag known as Vertical Jamming:

Mr. O- Three 5.10 pitches (one 10a pitch followed by two 10d’s, all sport)
Pan con queso- Two 5.10a pitches (Sport)
Obstinada- One 5.10a followed closely by a 5.11a pitch (Sport)

*Special mention goes to the trad route El negro crunch which is just to the right of the other three.  Comprised of three easy pitches (5.9, 5.8,5.10a) with good bolted stations and it takes you right to the top of the cliff face.

Hopefully this is all a sign of things to come.  You can never have too many routes and said routes can never be too tall!  Keep it up guy’s thanks for the great work!!!